Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Slip-and-Fall Lawyer

Have you recently fallen down and injured yourself? Are your friends and family trying to convince you that there is nothing that can be done and that nobody will compensate you for your injuries? While your friends and family may not have much faith, it may be time to consult a slip-and-fall lawyer. A well-qualified attorney will be able to tell you whether or not you have a case and whether you can sue anyone for your injuries. But before you hire the first lawyer that you find, here are some questions that you should consider asking:

Do I even have a case? If your friends and family are trying to tell you otherwise, you may be half convinced that it's no use even filing a lawsuit in the first place. But while the establishment where you had your fall may have placed one or more warning signs about the situation, they may not have been placed according to the law. On your first consultation with a potential slip-and-fall lawyer, the two of you will go over the particulars of the incident. Were warning signs placed where they could be seen easily? Were they moved out of the way by "helpful" bystanders or employees? Did the employees only put up warning signs after you fell? The answers to these questions can greatly impact the final results of your case. Only by talking to someone who is well-versed in the relevant laws will you be able to know whether or not to sue.

Who will be handling my case and how much experience do they have? It's perfectly normal for a slip-and-fall lawyer to hand some of the more mundane paperwork over to a paralegal or other employee to be completed. This helps to free up your attorney's time for more important things. However, you may not want your paperwork being handled by high school or college interns who are working in the office. A good lawyer will allow only employees with the right training and knowledge to deal with the papers pertaining to your case. 

What fees do you charge? While many slip-and-fall lawyers will charge you nothing unless they win, others may charge an hourly rate. You may also be responsible for coming up with a retainer before your attorney will do anything, and you could also be responsible for court document fees. Finding out ahead of time what, if anything, is expected from you will allow you to add the necessary items to your budget. If you are responsible for the court fees, but are unable to pay, a good attorney can help you file documentation to waive those fees due to extenuating circumstances.

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filing an injury lawsuit after a dog bite

When my neighbor's dog broke off of his chain and came ripping through the yard at me, I felt a fear that I will never forget. That crazy dog jumped up at my face and started biting me. Fortunately, the neighbor was able to pull that dog off of me before the dog did too much damage. I decided to contact a lawyer after the owner of the dog refused to get rid of the dog. I felt that if he was held responsible for the medical costs and the suffering that I have, and will continue to go through, that he may have a second thought. Find out about filing an injury lawsuit after a dog bite here on my blog.